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KCP planted the seeds of its Reggio-inspired program in 1997, turning classrooms into workshops and engaging our youngest students and their parents in projects that fire young minds with a love of learning and discovery and the ability to problem-solve and work cooperatively.
21st Century Learning is a 21st Century methodology for teaching and learning that addresses the needs and preferences of today’s students. It focuses on combining the best practices of traditional classroom instruction with the use of technology to improve learning outcomes for students.
Learning is a lifelong endeavor and KCP provides the foundation to inspire students on that journey. We are proud to adhere to our School’s motto of carrying on "a tradition of excellence".
Pursuing Victory with Honor. GO TIGERS!
One of the most fundamental ways to teach character.
Sharing the transformative power of the arts.
Applying to KCP
Applying for gradeStemPre-KinderKinder1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade
Document typeT.I.C.C.C.E.Passport
Graduate studies: EspecializaciónMaster'sDoctoratePostdoctorateOther
Paternal grandparents:
Graduate studies: EspecializaciónMaster's:DoctoratePostdoctorateOther
Maternal grandparents:
Are the parents separeted: YesNo
Divorced? YesNo
Colegio Karl C. Parrish considers applications for admission and other documents and information submitted in the admission process based on the assumption that these are complete and truthful. As the parent(s) or guardian(s) of applying to (grade)StemPre-KinderKinder1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade4th Grade5th Grade6th Grade7th Grade8th Grade9th Grade10th Grade11th Grade12th Grade for the shool year 20 - 20 ; we understand that omission of information or misstatement on this application or during the admission process may result in revocation of an offer for admission and/or enrollment or in dismissal from KCP of:
KCP has established a policy that gives sole discretion for determining admission to the Admissions Committee. This policy further provides that KPC not share reasons for an applicant being denied admission.
In case of admission, a student is subject to policies and conditions current at a given time at Colegio Karl C. Parrish. The School reserves the right to change its policies, and new policies and conditions will override those of the past.
We understand that because of its characteristics, a KCP education has costs additional to those of other schools in Barranquilla. We want to invest in the type of education offered at KCP. We are aware of the approximate cost of a KCP education and can undertake this expense while our child is in school. We understand and agree to the above polices and conditions. /li>
With the acceptance by the School of a child for enrollment in Colegio Karl C. Parrish, parents/guardians accept the following responsibilities:
To see that their child/children attend school on time and complete the assigned homework from teachers.
Attend scheduled meetings to discuss the child's progress and behavior.
To pay all dues and fees promptly.
To accept all academic and disciplinary decisions made by the School as indicated and following the guidelines determined in the Manual de Convivencia.
INSURANCE: Colegio Karl C. Parrish does not accept responsibility and liability for accidents that might occur or illnesses contracted while in school or on the grounds. The School takes all possible precautions to avoid accidents to children and prevent contagious diseases, but will not be responsible if they occur. Accident insurance carried by each student provides 24-hour medical coverage for injury for the duration of one academic year.
REGISTRATION: Parents of students entering school for the first time must sign a contract and pay tuition fees in the Business Office. Enrollment will be renewed each year by a signed agreement between parents/guardians and the School and through payment of the Secretary of Education approved tuition fees. Tuition should be paid on the stipulated date. This fee is non-refundable except when the family is relocated away from Barranquilla to another location before the beginning of the school year for which the student has enrolled.
Los firmantes de la presente comunicación, identificados como se indica al pie de nuestras firmas, manifestamos expresamente que comprendemos y aceptamos que:
El Colegio Karl C. Parrish (el “Colegio”) decide sobre la admisión de estudiantes nuevos en razón a criterios objetivos, de conformidad con la disponibilidad de cupos, según su capacidad instalada.
Durante el proceso de admisión de nuestro(a) hijo(a) al Colegio, hemos sido tratados en igualdad de condiciones con todos los demás aspirantes.
La no admisión de un estudiante aspirante al Colegio, no implica de manera alguna la violación de ninguno de sus derechos fundamentales.
El Colegio es un establecimiento educativo de naturaleza privada y como tal, cuenta con autonomía para determinar los requisitos y procesos que se deben adelantar durante los procesos de admisión de nuevos estudiantes, con sujeción a la normatividad aplicable y bajo la supervisión y vigilancia de las autoridades competentes.
El proceso de admisión de estudiantes nuevos consta de varias etapas y la prelación de admisión en las primeras etapas no genera ningún derecho al aspirante, a ser admitido de manera definitiva.
Autorizamos expresa e irrevocablemente al Colegio, a quien represente sus derechos o al tercero quien éste designe, para consultar, solicitar, suministrar, procesar, divulgar, actualizar, obtener de cualquier fuente y/o reportar a centrales de riesgo e información crediticia, la información y referencias, relativas a: nuestra persona, nuestros nombres, apellidos y documentos de identificación; y las sociedades que representamos legalmente (si aplica); con el fin de verificar en cualquier tiempo la documentación entregada, el comportamiento y estado de créditos, hábitos de pago y, en general, el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones pecuniarias. Los derechos y obligaciones respecto de la información están determinados por el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable (Ley 1266 de 2008 y sus decretos reglamentarios), el cual, por ser público, conocemos plenamente.
Autorizamos de forma previa, expresa e informada al Colegio, en calidad de Responsable del Tratamiento, para que, por sí mismo o en asocio con terceros, registre en sus bases de datos la información personal y datos sensibles de nuestro(a) hijo(a) por nosotros representado(a), que sea requerida por el Colegio para adelantar el proceso de admisión.
Declaramos que hemos sido informados por parte del Colegio sobre el carácter facultativo de la autorización para el tratamiento de la información personal y datos sensibles de nuestro(a) hijo(a) por nosotros representado(a) y sobre los derechos que como titular de los mismos podemos ejercer en su representación, es decir, los derechos de acceso, rectificación, prueba de autorización, oposición y supresión, los cuales deben ejercerse conforme a lo estipulado en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales del Colegio, la consulta o reclamo podrá realizarse a cualquier de los siguientes canales habilitados: • • en la forma establecida en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos que puede consultar en la página web:
This document is signed on 23 de February de 2025 by:
Clear Father or Guardian's signature
Clear Mother's signature
Please create a zip file with all the documentation requeired or create a Google Drive / Dropbox folder and send us the url (Please remember to give the email permission to the folder)
One photograph 2” X 2”
Family Picture
Birth Certificate
Three Family References from families whose child/children are enrolled at KCP See more information
Academic RecordsSee more information
Certificate of good standing from the previous school
Financial Information See more information
If the applicant’s parents are divorced, please submit an authenticated photocopy of the custody agreement (if applicable)
Both Parents ID’s
Admission Application Process Fee (non-refundable)
Enter the Google Drive or Dropbox Url
Upload a zip file with all the documents (Max size: 10MB)
This must be filled out by parents through the school’s parent portal/website (recommendations from staff members or members of the school’s boards or their spouses are not allowed.) If, for any reason, there are no ties to our community that can provide these references, you may submit recommendations from alumni or parents of alumni and/or letter of introduction and recommendation from the company for which the applicant’s parents work, stipulating position and specifying which, if any, educational expenses are covered.
Preschool: School report
Elementary & High School: Last three years Official Transcripts from the previous school
Standardized Test results if applicable (Grades 1st-11th)
If you require any additional information, please contact the admission office at
Presentar Certificación laboral de ambos padres, estipulando tiempo de servicio, cargo, salario y si la empresa cubre algún costo de colegiatura.
Tres últimos extractos bancarios (Empleados e independientes)
Declaración de Renta del año anterior (Empleados e independientes)
Para familias independientes, se debe enviar el certificado de industria y comercio de sus actividades laborales y personales, y el certificado de existencia y representación legal.