Applying to KCP
The admission process at KCP goes beyond the formality of interviews and forms. It’s about taking the time to really get to know our prospective students and their families and letting them get to know us. It’s about gaining a sense of each potential student’s ability to excel academically in a rigorous bilingual environment and discovering the special spark that will enable him or her to shine here.
KPC’s Office of Admission prides itself on giving families the attention, responsiveness, and care they deserve. To that end, we’ve brought together online materials that will help you complete the admission process as efficiently as possible.
Top 4 reasons to join KCP
Academic Excellence
KCP offers a challenging and rigorous academic experience that appeals to 21st Century learners. With the goal of ensuring admission upon graduation to top tier universities, KCP’s program is committed to innovation and diversity. The School is known for its pioneering leadership in education and the transformation of traditional classrooms into exemplary 21st century learning environments.
Self-Driven Students
KCP students are encouraged to be fully involved with the community and to assume responsibility for their academic experience. By taking advantage of the opportunities we offer, KCP students become well-rounded members of society, capable of interacting successfully with individuals from all cultures and countries.
The Admission Process
Dear Parents, thank you for your interest in our school. The following information is necessary in order to complete the admission process.
The Admissions Committee will decide to accept or reject the admission of the applicant based on space availability, an entrance examination, and previous academic performance (grades, standardized test scores, and disciplinary record) for the grade applied. If no space is available, the application will be placed on a waiting list, and you will be contacted when space becomes available.
Please keep in mind that in order for the applicant to be admitted, he/she must be proficient in oral and written English. For example, if your child is entering First Grade, he/she must have a level of English comparable to that of an average KCP first-grade student. No English is necessary for those who are applying for Stem or Pre-Kinder.
Please remember that the application will not be processed until all the required documents are submitted.
If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone: at 605-359-8929 ext. 916 or by e-mail: at
Required Documents
One photograph 2” X 2”
Certificate of good standing from the previous school
One photograph 2” X 2”
Family Picture
Family Picture
Birth Certificate
Birth Certificate
Letter of Agreement
If the applicant’s parents are divorced, please submit an authenticated photocopy of the custody agreement (if applicable)
Certificate of good standing from the previous school
Letter of Agreement
If the applicant’s parents are divorced, please submit an authenticated photocopy of the custody agreement (if applicable)
Both Parents ID’s
Admission Application Process Fee (non-refundable)
Both Parents ID’s
Admission Application Process Fee (non-refundable)
Please request detailed information on foreign transcripts by contacting the Admissions Office – /
Favor solicitar información adicional sobre las calificaciones provenientes de otro país en la oficina de admisiones –
Start the process
To continue with the admission application process, please submit your payment of $250,000 (non-refundable) by wire transfer to the Bancolombia savings account No. 55427852333 in the name of Sociedad Escuela Karl C. Parrish. Please attach support of payment in the field assigned in our Application Form (this value varies annually).
Please fill out the following forms to start the application process:
NOTE: The Applicant Information Form document must be filled out in its entirety since the format does not allow partial information to be saved, in case any field does not apply, please write N/A.
Request an appointment | Solicita una cita
We hope these resources prove helpful, and we look forward to sharing more information about KCP’s admission process with you via email, on the phone, or in person.
Please fill in the form below and we will contact you with the date and time for your appointment:
Watch the video created for our 75th anniversary in 2014. There's no better introduction to who we are as a family and what you can expect for your child.

Watch the video created for our 75th anniversary in 2014. There's no better introduction to who we are as a family and what you can expect for your child.
Estimados padres, gracias por su interés en el Colegio Karl C. Parrish. A continuación, encontrarán la información necesaria para realizar el proceso de admisión.
El Comité de Admisiones basará su decisión de aceptar o rechazar la solicitud de admisión, basados en la disponibilidad de cupo, el resultado de la entrevista de admisión, desempeño académico previo (calificaciones, resultados de pruebas estandarizadas y reporte disciplinario).
Les recordamos que para ingresar al Colegio Karl C. Parrish, es indispensable que el aplicante tenga un nivel de inglés comparable al de los estudiantes del curso al cual aplica. (Para ingresar a Jardín o Pre Kínder, este requisito no se considera).
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que la solicitud de aplicación de admisión no será procesada hasta tanto que toda la documentación esté completa.
Si necesitan información adicional, no duden en contactarnos al teléfono: 605-359-8929 ext. 916 o al correo electrónico
Family References
This must be filled out by parents through the school’s parent portal/website (recommendations from staff members or members of the school’s boards or their spouses are not allowed.) If, for any reason, there are no ties to our community that can provide these references, you may submit recommendations from alumni or parents of alumni and/or letter of introduction and recommendation from the company for which the applicant’s parents work, stipulating position and specifying which, if any, educational expenses are covered.
Only for new families applying for the first time
Estas deben ser diligenciadas por los padres a través del portal de padres/página web del Colegio. (no se permiten recomendaciones de los miembros del staff o miembros de las Juntas del Colegio o sus cónyuges). Si por algún motivo, no tienen ningún vínculo con nuestra comunidad que les pueda suministrar estas referencias, pueden presentar recomendaciones de exalumnos o padres de exalumnos y/o carta de presentación y recomendación de la empresa para la cual trabajan los padres del aspirante, estipulando tiempo de servicio, cargo, salario y especificar si la empresa cubre algún costo de colegiatura.
Solo para familias nuevas aplicando por primera vez
Academic Records
- Preschool: School report
- Elementary & High School: Last three years Official Transcripts from the previous school
- Standardized Test results if applicable (Grades 1st-11th)
If you require any additional information, please contact the admission office at
- Preescolar: Informe del Plantel anterior
- Elemental & Secundaria: Calificaciones oficiales de los tres últimos años de los colegios donde haya estudiado
- Resultado pruebas estandarizadas en caso de que aplique (1°-11° Grado)
En caso de requerir alguna información adicional por favor contactar a la oficina de admisiones al correo -
Financial Information
- Submit a letter/certification from the company for which the applicant’s parents work, stipulating time of service, position, and salary and specifying which if any, educational expenses are covered.
- Submit the last three bank statements. (Employees and self-employed).
- Income tax return for the previous year (Employees and self-employed).
- For self-employed families, submit a registration record from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce concerning your work activities and the certificate of existence and legal representation.
Only for new families applying for the first time
- Presentar Certificación laboral de ambos padres, estipulando tiempo de servicio, cargo, salario y si la empresa cubre algún costo de colegiatura.
- Tres últimos extractos bancarios (Empleados e independientes)
- Declaración de Renta del año anterior (Empleados e independientes)
- Para familias independientes, se debe enviar el certificado de industria y comercio de sus actividades laborales y personales, y el certificado de existencia y representación legal.
Solo para familias nuevas aplicando por primera vez
Para continuar con el proceso de aplicación de admisión, les agradecemos cancelar el valor de $250.000 no reembolsables, el cual se puede realizar transferencia a la cuenta de ahorros Bancolombia No. 55427852333 a nombre de Sociedad Escuela Karl C. Parrish. Favor anexar soporte de pago en el campo asignado en nuestro Formulario de Aplicación. (este valor varia anualmente).
Por favor diligenciar los siguientes formatos:
NOTA: El formulario de Información del Aplciante debe ser diligenciado en su totalidad ya que no permite guardar información parcial, en caso de que algún campo no aplique, favor colocar N/A.