IT equipment donation to the Girls Home María InmaculadaIT equipment donation to the Girls Home María Inmaculada
Have a heart, Lend a hand, Stand out
Helping the less fortunate is an important part of KCP’s mission. It is also one of the most fundamental ways to teach character and provide experience in solving the problems of society. A full-time Coordinator leads projects in 1st through 12th. Grades. Parent participation is always welcome!
The Star of our Community Program
The highlight of our program is the annual building of homes for people living in precarious shelters in extremely impoverished neighborhoods. This activity involves close to High School students, parents and staff members.
In addition to raising funds and visiting residents in the selected neighborhood to evaluate needs, participants learn how to dig post holes, hammer, saw and paint. The activity culminates in a ribbon-cutting ceremony in which the newly-build homes are turned over to their happy new owners.
Biosecurity Equipment
More than 4,000 face shields assembled by our students
More than 1,000 biosecurity items and equipment delivered
We are committed to helping improve our community!

Educational Material & Sports
More than 6.564 books.

Learning Material
More than 300 School kits.
Computer Equipment & Technology
More than 171 computers.

Furniture & Fixtures
More than 119 School desks.

Community Service Campaigns
Want to know more?
Send us an email, give us a call, or stop by our office located in the wooden house.
+57 5 3598929