One of the biggest challenges for low income families during this past year has been the continuation of their children’s studies from home due to the lack of technology.
Starting Monday, March 15 to Friday, until May 14, 2021, 7th and 10-grade students will be leading a TECH DEVICES DRIVE. You can help by donating your broken and unneeded tech devices such as cellphones, computers, monitors, keyboards, Ipads, tablets, and more.
These devices will be fixed and refurbished by our foundations and then given to those in need.
You can deliver your devices to the Community Service Coordinator at the Brown House.
Let’s support this cause!
Because inclusive technology is the bridge that allows access to growth and development.
If you wish to donate a device or need more information, please contact:
María Paulina Zúñiga
Whatsapp 3106650876