We did it! After a year and a half of self-reflection and collaboration with all stakeholders, we are proud to announce that we received our final approval from the Cognia Accreditation Commission!! In the Fall of 2020, Karl C Parrish went through a five-year re-accreditation visit from Cognia, formally known as AdvancED. Accreditation is recognizing that an institution demonstrates meeting a defined set of research-based performance standards.
The standards examine the school while also reviewing student testing data to provide a complete measure of a school’s performance and provide a strategic and realistic course for continuous school improvement. The process began with our self-study during the 2019-2020 school year, which required input from school leaders, teachers, parents, and students. Following the self-study, a team of volunteer educators representing Cognia conducted a virtual peer review to interview various stakeholders while analyzing the evidence we provided to meet the performance standards. The team then made recommendations to Cognia, where it went through a multi-level review by some of the best educators in the field before granting our re-accreditation. Thank you to everyone for your support during this process!