As part of their academic program, 2nd-grade students worked on a unit focused on heroes. They started with writing and researching famous women around the world who persisted and are heroes to many. Then they wrote about a hero in their personal lives and transitioned with a mentor text about a dog who wants to help people and dreams of being a superhero.
Students conducted an exercise where they compared and contrasted Heroes vs Superheroes. They found that a commonality is the want to help other people and got to design and create their own superhero. “To make their learning come to life, we got to dress up as our superheroes to complete our learning targets. To wrap up our unit, we went on a field trip to El Heraldo to learn about how the newspaper reports on heroes in our community. We came full circle in the hopes of understanding that heroes come in all shapes, sizes, and abilities. Be the hero you want others to see!” explains Ms. Kelly Kunkel, our 2A teacher.
Go 2nd grade Tigers! That is what we call a classroom without walls! What a nice way to bring learning to life and have a new experience to cherish for a lifetime!