KCP’s Tech Devices Drive
One of the biggest challenges for low income families during this past year has been the continuation of their children’s studies from home due to the lack of technology.
Starting Monday, March 15 to Friday, until May 14, 2021, 7th and 10-grade students will be leading a TECH DEVICES DRIVE. You can help by donating your broken and unneeded tech devices such as cellphones, computers, monitors, keyboards, Ipads, tablets, and more.
These devices will be fixed and refurbished by our foundations and then given to those in need.
You can deliver your devices to the Community Service Coordinator at the Brown House.
Let’s support this cause!
Because inclusive technology is the bridge that allows access to growth and development.
If you wish to donate a device or need more information, please contact:
María Paulina Zúñiga
Whatsapp 3106650876
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KCP Honor and High Honor Roles
Congratulations to all our Secondary School KCP Tigers who achieved Honor and High Honor Rolls, a recognition of academic excellence during the first semester of this school year. GO TIGERS!

KCP gets a 5-year re-accreditation from Cognia ( AdvancED)
We did it! After a year and a half of self-reflection and collaboration with all stakeholders, we are proud to announce that we received our final approval from the Cognia Accreditation Commission!! In the Fall of 2020, Karl C Parrish went through a five-year re-accreditation visit from Cognia, formally known as AdvancED. Accreditation is recognizing that an institution demonstrates meeting a defined set of research-based performance standards.
The standards examine the school while also reviewing student testing data to provide a complete measure of a school’s performance and provide a strategic and realistic course for continuous school improvement. The process began with our self-study during the 2019-2020 school year, which required input from school leaders, teachers, parents, and students. Following the self-study, a team of volunteer educators representing Cognia conducted a virtual peer review to interview various stakeholders while analyzing the evidence we provided to meet the performance standards. The team then made recommendations to Cognia, where it went through a multi-level review by some of the best educators in the field before granting our re-accreditation. Thank you to everyone for your support during this process!
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Mr. Medina es Nominado por Premio Compartir al Maestro
Estamos muy orgullosos de Jair Medina, nuestro profesor de Química y AP Química, quien fue postulado para un reconocimiento que hizo el premio Compartir al Maestro, a aquellos profesores que implementaron propuestas pedagógicas en época de pandemia. Éste es un reconocimiento a quienes han desarrollado prácticas pedagógicas y de liderazgo, que contribuyan a la permanencia, al desarrollo de competencias y a la motivación para seguir aprendiendo.
La propuesta que desarrolló nació al inicio de la cuarentena, tras ver la necesidad que tenían muchos colegas suyos de conocer y aprender sobre herramientas virtuales para el aprendizaje a distancia. Comenzó como una iniciativa con la expectativa de reunir a 10 o 15 profesores que quisieran capacitarse gratuitamente, y resultó en la inscripción de 182 profesores del sector público y privado. Todos ellos recibieron tres talleres durante 1 semana de manera gratuita sobre los siguientes temas:
- Herramientas para la comunicación sincrónica. (Google Meet Vs Zoom)
- ¿Cómo evaluar online?
- Herramientas digitales para el aprendizaje asincrónico.
“Esto me ha llenado de motivación y alegría, ya que fue una propuesta con miras a ayudar a un grupo de amigos, que trascendió con pasos gigantes, a mi manera de ver, porque luego de terminar los talleres fui invitado por la Secretaría de Educación para una charla a maestros del sector público. Después la Universidad del Norte me invitó a presentar la propuesta en su programa Sábado del Docente y finalmente fui postulado a Maestro Compartir en época de pandemia,” explica Mr. Medina, mencionando además que KCP ha sido un gran motor para su realización profesional.
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New KCP Biosecurity site
You can now find our biosecurity manuals and protocols, important schedule updates, and related videos and signs in one place! Check out our new section on the website!
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KCP Deeply Mourns the Passing of Dr. Burton B. Fox
The KCP community deeply mourns the passing of Dr. Burton B. Fox, our former Board of Trustees member, KCP Director (1964-1971), and the founder of the Inter-Regional Center for Curriculum Services and Material Development, serving schools in Central America, Colombia, and the Caribbean and headquartered at KCP. During his tenure as Director, KCP extended its educational program through the 12th grade, and its bachillerato and high school programs were fully accredited by the Ministry of Education of Colombia and by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools of the United States, respectively.
As a key figure in our school’s history, Dr. Fox’s incalculable contribution, leadership, and influence were essential in creating the school that we know today and in projecting KCP onto the international stage. We extend our condolences to his family and friends while we cherish the best memories from one of our most notable and beloved leaders, whose legacy will live on forever in our hearts.
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Juguemos a Transformarnos: Una actividad del Atelier
Invitamos a nuestra imaginación a jugar a transformarnos…¿Qué cosas piensas tú que cambian? ¿Qué sabes?
Estas fueron las respuestas de nuestros Tigers de Preescolar a esta importante pregunta:
Diego: Un camaleón cambia sus colores
Julieta: una mariposa antes era una oruga
Carlos Felipe- el agua se vuelve hielo
Pedro- la mariposa es…
Amelia z- las formas se pueden cambiar para hacer otras
Paulina: una mática crece y puede ser una comida o una flor
Amelia V- una semilla se cambia a una flor
Carlos Felipe- una mariposa !
Se maquillaron…
Carlotta: soy una mariposa volví a ser Carlotta
Amalia v : una mariposa
Pedro J: soy un payaso
Francesca P: soy una zebra
Juan Se: soy un tigre
Carlos Felipe: me convertí en una mariposa de colores
Paulina p: soy una plantica
Pascal: un transformer
Juan Esteban: los colores se cambiaron vamos a ver a q se van a cambiar
Amelia: una ladybug
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Welcome to Our New Teachers
KCP warmly welcomes our new teachers for the 2020-2021 school year! Learn more about our wonderful new staff members below!
Helen Burnham – Biology Teacher
I am from Leeds, United Kingdom, and have been teaching for 15 years! I am excited and honored to be joining KCP and hope that this school year will prove to be rewarding and fulfilling for all.
Natashia Curtis – 5th -Grade Teacher
I am from Edmonton, Canada. I have been working in education for about 12 years. I am looking forward to joining the KCP family and to learn and grow with all of you. We are going to have a year like no other for many reasons, but I am excited about the adventure we have ahead of us.
Z. Amos Stamp-Jerabek, MA, M.Ed., MBPsS – AP US and World History Teacher
In the age of new nativism, I find this question difficult to answer. For example, the former British prime minister, Theresa May, has declared me a “citizen of nowhere.” As most Third Culture Kids, my accent resembles a North American inflection enriched by all the cultures I have lived in, including German, Dutch, and British. I was born in Prague of Austrian-German and Ukrainian heritage. I was educated in the U.K. and the U.S. Most recently, I have spent the last eight years in South Korea. I have taught on and off for about six years in England, Taiwan, China, and South Korea while serving in multiple roles across divisions. I hope to enhance students’ learning experiences during these challenging times by prioritizing student well-being and self-care. One way to accomplish this lofty goal is to enmesh personalized learning within broader curriculum standards.
Daniel Cornue – 4th -Grade Teacher
I am from Woodstock, Illinois and I have taught for 12 years. My hope for the coming school year is that we can see each other in person and not through a screen sooner rather than later.
Joseph Johnson – 7th-Grade Social Studies and English Language Arts
I’m from Missoula, Montana, USA. I have been teaching for five years: two at university, and three in high school and middle school. My big hope for the upcoming school year at KCP is to make connections: with new students, families, colleagues, stories, and cultures. I can’t wait to explore and learn with everyone at KCP!
Samantha Gwinn – 9th-10th -Grade English Teacher
I am from Houston, Texas and this is my fourth year as a teacher. My hope for this new school year is to encourage student’s growth and natural curiosity in literature, and writing.
Stephanie Vogler – 2nd- Grade Teacher
I’m from Houston, Texas. I taught 2nd grade for 3 years in Texas. I had a long term position teaching Kindergarten in Australia this past school year. I hope to help the students at KCP learn and grow to be independent, strong leaders. I will provide a safe, positive learning environment as we start online and eventually transition into our classroom.
Daniela Bustos – Elementary Teacher Assistant
I am from Barranquilla and have been working as a teacher for 2 years. This year came with new challenges, so I expect to take advantage of the tools technology gives us, to help kids learn in a fun but effective way.
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Learn & Share with KCP Alumni
In the latest edition of Learn & Share with KCP Alumni, Julie Valbuena, Class of 1999, shares a short meditation to help us deal with the amount of stress and anxiety we could be feeling with the changes we’ve had the past few months due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Julie is RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher) under Paul Toliuszis in Miami Beach. She is also a certified Life Coach under Robbins-Madanes Training. Julie has worked with all sorts of clients, from athletes to CEOs. We invite you to practice this form of meditation today.
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KCP Participated in ACMUN XV
KCP participated in ACMUN XV AIM FOR THE ONCOMING from Aspaen Cartagena School. We are very proud of our KCPMUN Club students who participated and won the following awards:
Isabella Ritzel,
Juan Camilo Bonilla,
Rodrigo Uribe,
Salomón Salcedo,
Pedro Blanco,
Jose Antonio Macías,
Manuela Juliao,
Nicole Wehdeking,
Nicolás Calero,
Alfredo Tcherassi,
Christina Daw
Arturo Char
Valeria Daw
Alfredo Tcherassi- Best Junior Delegate,
Best Dressed Man
Nicolás Calero- Future Mr. Guterres
Christina Daw- Best Delegate,
Best Dressed Woman
Rodrigo Uribe- Honorable Mention,
Best Dressed Man
Juan Camilo Bonilla- Best Junior Delegate
Isabella Ritzel- Best Junior Delegate
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