Dismantling the myths of Covid-19: Vaccination and Next Phase
Check out this interesting interview, conducted by 11th graders, Juan Camilo Abello, Sophia Thielman, and Oriana Lamboglia with Dr. Hernando Baquero, Dean of the Science Division of Health of the Universidad del Norte. This initiative, led by the KCP Green Club and Key Club, seeks to provide information on the next phase and care that we must take as a community in this new stage of COVID-19.
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High School Global Issues Network
Our High School Tigers were divided into 5 teams and each group worked on developing their GIN (Global Issues Network) project, which aims to raise awareness of a global issue and how it affects local communities.
Our 9th and 10th graders talked about the issues which they feel passionate about, showcasing their GIN projects. Listen to the conferences they prepared by clicking the links below:
Group 2 Climate Change
Group 5 Water Deficit
Group 3 Educational Poverty
Group 4 Poverty

The IV KCP Music Festival Goes Virtual
This year’s virtual edition of the KCP Music Festival has a very special meaning! Our Rock Band members are working hard to raise funds to contribute to the +Becas Program from Universidad del Norte. Wanting to support other fellow musicians, they are destining the funds raised to aid students from the university’s Music Program. Our Tigers have chosen to help finance access to technology for those students now coursing their music programs virtually! They have decided to name this the:
“BECA KCP PARA MÚSICOS UNINORTE – Un instrumento de conectividad para el arte”
Remember to catch the transmission of this cool event this Friday May 28th at 5 p.m., where 6 talented bands will be performing some major hits! This year’s event will focus on the importance of music in KCP’s Colombo-American culture.
Find out how to help us help at: mzuniga@kcparrish.edu.co , vdaw@kcparrish.edu.co
Click to watch the transmission: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9YDyWZBZ14
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Adopt a Senior 2021 – 2nd Edition
Last year, because of the pandemic, faculty members from across the entire school were invited to ‘adopt’ a member of the senior class. The purpose of the ‘adoption’ was to provide personalized and meaningful messages to the seniors, so that they could better navigate the final stretch of their senior year. (In the past, this process of transitioning out of KCP would happen more naturally during the regular school day and planned events.)
The feedback from faculty and students was overwhelmingly positive, showing that this is an event that bears the consideration of becoming a tradition!
As our seniors begin the process of “spreading their wings”, we are once again allowing them the opportunity to connect more meaningfully with at least one teacher/staff member, who will provide them with messages of hope, resilience, and gratitude.
Go KCP Tigers!
Read MoreKCP MUN VIII – Virtual Edition
Our first-ever virtual KCP Model United Nations focuses on the motto: Prioritize unity; be the thread of opportunity. Our students couldn’t have chosen a better concept than unity in a time where the pandemic has shown us that working together is the only way in which humanity can move forward!
In this video, the KCP MUN VIII Secretary-General, Arturo Char, shares a message about the importance of participating in these platforms that promote student agency, giving them a voice to address many global issues of their interest.
Video credits: Caracol Televisión
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6th Grade Geometry Projects
Packaging Design
Below you will find a selection of the best projects from 6th-grade math. The slides are divided into sections that show the name of the student, a picture of the final project, and then pictures of the process. It is interesting to see the evolution of the idea, from a rough draft, through a mathematical blueprint, and then the construction of the final model. We are really proud of them! We hope you enjoy the projects.

World Book Day & Día del Idioma Celebration
Our beloved Burton B. Fox Library found a creative way to celebrate World Book Day & Día del Idioma! Enjoy our Tongue Twister Extravaganza video starring members of our KCP family!
Fun fact ahead…
World Book Day is an international celebration created by the UNESCO
Día del Idioma: Spanish Language Day, commemorates the death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra -author of Don Quijote de la Mancha- since the 1920s.
Go Tigers!
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Affective Class con Nuestros Tigers de Preescolar
Affective Class con Ms. Osorio y Mrs. Rey brinda un espacio socio-emocional para nuestros estudiantes, donde expresan sus sentimientos e ideas. Mediante cuentos y videos educativos, plasmamos mensajes positivos, identificamos las emociones y cómo controlarlas. También vamos reforzando el tema de los valores de Character Counts!, entre otros temas que ayuden al crecimiento y desarrollo de los niños.
Se han llevado a cabo FUN FRIDAYS. En esta ocasión, los estudiantes trajeron a clase sus juguetes favoritos para compartir con sus compañeros y ellos mismos contaron por qué son especiales; fue un espacio para conocer más acerca de sus gustos y afinidades.
Para celebrar el valor del mes de abril (la CONFIABILIDAD), hablamos de lo importante que es la auto-confianza para alcanzar nuestras metas, y en lo importante que es creer en nosotros mismos. También discutimos lo importante que es este valor dentro de nuestra comunidad; el ser honestos y tomar buenas decisiones siempre será la mejor opción para llenar nuestro interior de mucha tranquilidad.
Go Tigers
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KCP Podcasts from 5A Students
KCP Podcast ALERT!!!!! Our 5A tigers are creating podcasts explaining their own interpretations of a set of photos. They also needed to include alliteration and hyperbole examples in their story or description as part of the assignment. This exercise also evaluated their speaking abilities and if they were communicating clearly. Listen to a few examples from their very first try! Go Tigers!
Salwa Jamis