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KCP planted the seeds of its Reggio-inspired program in 1997, turning classrooms into workshops and engaging our youngest students and their parents in projects that fire young minds with a love of learning and discovery and the ability to problem-solve and work cooperatively.
21st Century Learning is a 21st Century methodology for teaching and learning that addresses the needs and preferences of today’s students. It focuses on combining the best practices of traditional classroom instruction with the use of technology to improve learning outcomes for students.
Learning is a lifelong endeavor and KCP provides the foundation to inspire students on that journey. We are proud to adhere to our School’s motto of carrying on "a tradition of excellence".
Pursuing Victory with Honor. GO TIGERS!
One of the most fundamental ways to teach character.
Sharing the transformative power of the arts.
Favor entiende que sin tu información de contacto puede ser difícil continuar con el proceso. Please understand that without your contact information it may not be possible to pursue this report).
—Please choose an option—Estudiante/StudentMiembro de familia/Family memberStaff Member
Incluye información del agresor, la víctima y las personas que presenciaron lo ocurrido. Entre más detallada sea la información, mejor. Please include information of the alleged victim, alleged bully and any witnesses. Please be specific and provide details.
[datetime* datetime-incident date-format:dd/mm/yy time-format:HH:mm first-day:1 placeholder "Fecha y hora en que esto ocurrió / Date and time it happened"]