Our 5th Grade Museum took place yesterday on both floors of the Burton B. Fox Library, as a result of our students’ research on various topics. They all created a presentation to demonstrate their learning, as part of our informational writing unit.
Students had to research a topic of their choice and create a formal written essay. Through researching, they learned about trustworthy sources, how to cite those sources, and how to paraphrase and quote within their writing. They also revised and edited their work a couple of times before creating a final draft and received feedback from both their peers and from their teacher.
After they created their final draft, they had to convert their writing into a museum exhibit. Included in this process was changing their essay into a presentation and preparing to present to a variety of audiences. They were able to present to an audience ranging from first grade to adults, both in English and Spanish. This entire process took about 2 and a half months and was an excellent opportunity for them to demonstrate their learning.
Parents and Elementary students were invited to come to see the presentations and had the opportunity to learn interesting facts about many topics, ranging from the history of chairs to how touchscreens work.
Great work! Go Tigers!