Congratulations to our 4A and 4B dancers Juliana Osorio, Manuela Macias, Miranda Torres, Stefania Nule and Valeria Sojo, all Champions in the ‘All Dance International’ dance competition that took place in Orlando, Florida, in which dance schools from around the world participated.
The girls competed representing Colombia with the Julie de Donado Dande School against 26 other participating countries. The participants had been previously pre-selected in the All Dance Colombia version of the contest where they had to win their place in order to go to the World Cup in Orlando.
We also wish to congratulate students Isabella Torres, Juanita Paez, María Beatríz Márquez and Angelina Nule, who won 1st price for their Jazz performance and 3rd place for their african dance
1. Category Best dancer Soloist: First Prize for Miranda Torres
2. Category Trio: First Place for Miranda Torres, Valeria Sojo and Oriana Estrada (British)
3. Category Latin dance groups: First Place for Miranda Torres, Valeria Sojo, Manuela Macias, Estefania Nule, Sara Bridges (British) and Oriana Estrada (British)
4. Groups Show category: Second Place for Miranda Torres, Valeria Sojo, Manuela Macias, Juliana Osorio, Estefania Nule, Sara Puentes (British) and Oriana Estrada (British)
Go Tigers!!!!!!!!
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